Complete Spanish Course: Master Spanish Beginner to Advanced
- Description
- Curriculum
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Have you ever wanted to learn Spanish? With over 800 million native speakers across the globe, it’s the second most spoken language in the entire world. It’s also considered to be one of the most romantic languages! But are those enough reasons to choose to learn Spanish out of all the languages you could be learning?
To start, Spain isn’t just one of the most beautiful and historic countries in Europe, but also a global powerhouse with a significant presence in the tourist, textile, agriculture, and energy industries. Learning Spanish will not only help you as a tourist in Spain, Mexico, Argentina, and many other countries in Latin America, but also as a rising professional looking to expand and diversify your business in the global market. Not only that, but as a romance language, Spanish is very similar to the other languages in the same family such as Italian and French. Through Spanish, you would actually be able to understand speakers of those other romance languages and, if you ever chose to learn them yourself, you’d have a significant head start! Finally, it’s well-proven that learning another language can lead to many new career opportunities, whether that’s becoming a more attractive candidate, or qualifying for a promotion at your current position.
Now, the road to learning Spanish isn’t always going to be easy, of course. That’s exactly why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to Beginner Spanish. In this course, we’re going to take you through the first steps of your Spanish journey, from absolute beginner to an intermediate level. Our lessons will cover everything, from teaching you how to read and write in Spanish, to pronouncing the words correctly, to conjugating verbs and forming sentences to express yourself and describe the world around you.
During our course you will learn:
Lots and lots of vocabulary
Useful everyday phrases
Basic sentence structures
Grammar rules most beginner courses don’t teach
After taking this course you will be able to:
Greet people and introduce yourself both formally and casually
Pronounce words correctly without hearing them first
Over one thousand vocabulary words from all categories
Read a restaurant menu
Order food and drinks
Structure basic sentences with ease
Give and receive directions
Describe people’s personalities and physical appearance
Create sentences in the past tense
Distinguish between the past tenses
Form questions and negations in the past
Acquire and hone translation skills
Structure new sentences with ease
Adapt to new situations, such as using public transportation or visiting the doctor
Learn how to use social media and technology
Conquer the basics of dating in Spanish
Learn to make comparisons
Create sentences in the future tense
Create sentences in the continuous tenses
Conquer hundreds of words necessary for day-to-day life
Tackle new topics, such as working from home and global healthcare
This course aims to help you master the basics of Spanish and give you a strong base onto which you will be able to build your skills as a Spanish speaker.
Start your Spanish journey with us today!
6The Alphabet
9Important Verbs Part 1
10Important Verbs Part 2
11Practice and Build Part 1
12Practice and Build Part 2
13Practice and Build Part 3
14Practice and Build Part 4
15Practice and Build Part 5
16Practice and Build Part 6
17Practice and Build Part 7
19Telling Time
20Ser vs. Estar
21Ser vs. Estar Part 2
24Body parts
25Physical descriptions
27Practice and Build
30The House
31The Bathroom
32The Kitchen
33Practice and Build
34How to use “it”
35Translation practice
39Practice and Build
40Put it all together
41Pretérito Perfecto & Imperfecto
Learn how to use the past tenses in Spanish
42Past Tenses Verbs Pt. 1
Learn how to use the past tenses in Spanish.
43Past Tenses Verbs Pt. 2
Learn how to use the past tenses in Spanish.
44Past Tense Questions
Learn how to ask questions in past.
45Past Tenses Verbs Pt. 3
Learn how to use the past tenses in Spanish.
46Past Tense Sentences
Learn useful past tense sentences in Spanish.
47Practice and Build
Practice what you’ve learned so far.
48Weather in the Past
Learn how to talk about the weather in the past tenses.
49Shopping in the Past
Learn how to talk about shopping in the past tenses.
50Sports in the Past
Learn how to talk about sports in the past tenses.
Learn useful words related to injuries in Spanish.
52To Meet Up With Friends
Learn useful words and sentences in Spanish.
53Practice & Build
Practice what you’ve learned so far.
Learn useful words and sentences in Spanish.
Learn useful words and sentences in Spanish.
56Love Pt. 1
Learn useful words and sentences in Spanish.
Learn useful words and sentences in Spanish.
58Practice and Build
Practice what you’ve learned so far.
Practice with several translation exercises.
60Let’s Put it All Together!
Revise everything you have learnt so far.
Learn how to make comparisons in Spanish.
Learn how to make the superlative in Spanish.
Learn useful words and sentences in Spanish.
Learn useful words and sentences in Spanish.
Learn useful words and sentences in Spanish.
66Special Occasions
Learn useful words and sentences in Spanish.
67Comparisons of equality
Learn how to make comparisons of equality in Spanish.
68Practice & Build
Practice what you’ve learned so far.
69Means of Transports
Learn useful words and sentences in Spanish.
70School Pt. 1
Learn useful words and sentences in Spanish.
71School Pt. 2
Learn useful words and sentences in Spanish.
72Possessive Adjective
Learn the possessive adjectives in Spanish and how to use them.
73Practice & Build
Practice what you’ve learned so far.
74Continents and Oceans
Learn useful words and sentences in Spanish.
75Demonstrative Pronouns
Learn the demonstrative pronouns in Spanish and how to use them.
76Social Media
Learn useful words and sentences in Spanish.
77Love Pt. 2
Learn useful words and sentences in Spanish.
Learn useful words and sentences in Spanish.
79Practice and Build
Practice what you’ve learned so far.
80Test Your Knowledge!
Test everything you have learnt so far.