Swahili beginners Course
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
Are you new to the Swahili language or need a refresher?
Then this course is tailored to help kick off your Swahili learning all the fundamentals of the Swahili language.
This course aims to provide you with a necessary foundation to build on; whether you plan on speaking Swahili fluently or just getting by, you will be confident in basic pronunciation, reading, writing, grammar, tenses and general conversation.
The Swahili beginners course is delivered with creative and interactive methods that will provide you with a wide range of vocabulary essential to everyday life and is a great foundation to get you started.
Introduction to Swahili language and Swahili culture
Swahili alphabet sounds, pronunciation and language structure
Greetings and simple Swahili phrases.
Swahili numbers and money
Communicating about daily activities
Self Introduction in Swahili
Sentence construction and using Swahili verbs
At the end of this course, students can initiate simple conversations in Kiswahili, feel confident about pronunciation and have the basic foundations of Swahili sentence construction to communicate common everyday vocabulary.
My Approach
Practice, practice and more practice. Every section inside this course has a practice section at the end, reinforcing everything you will have learnt through quizzes and downloadable sheets. We aim to make learning Swahili fun, step-by-step and exciting.
I will not bore you 🙂
I take my courses very seriously, but at the same time, I try to make them fun since I know how difficult learning a language online can be. I have tailored this course to be fun, and when you need some energy to keep going, you will get it from me.
1Introduction to Swahili
In this lesson, you will learn Swahili's background, and which language group Swahili belongs to among the many African languages. You will also see how Swahili is influenced by many languages, including English, Portuguese, Indian, German, Arabic, Persian etc.
You will understand its speakers, the countries most speakers emerge from, and the Swahili alphabet and sounds. Sit back, relax and enjoy as your journey towards learning Swahili begins. I hope you enjoy it. Leave us a comment on your take regarding this lesson.
2Swahili Pronunciation
With any new language comes the tedious task of imitating pronunciation to sound native. Swahili is no different, but the best part is Swahili words are pronounced the way they are written and vice versa.
In this lesson, I will take you to step by step across all exisiting Swahili sounds and guide you on how to pronounce them like a native and with speed. We will explore how Swahili words are formed from syllables, phonetics and intonation, including emphasis to avoid sounding like a foreigner.
Sit back, relax and enjoy as your journey towards learning Swahili begins. I hope you enjoy it. Leave us a comment on your take regarding this lesson.
3Unique Swahili sounds
Swahili words can be long and sometimes feel like a mouthful of words, with some syllables sounding the same occasionally. This can put students off and diminish their psyche, but this should not worry you.
I will take through the so-called hard-to-pronounce syllables in this lesson. We will delve into long syllables exploring tricks and different pronouncing them. We shall look at long words and say them in Swahili as quickly and accurately as possible.
Again, sit back, relax and enjoy as your journey towards learning Swahili begins. I hope you enjoy it. Leave us a comment on your take regarding this lesson.
4East African Culture and Swahili phrases
We believe learning a language goes hand in hand with understanding the culture. Whilst we may not delve very deep into Swahili culture, We think that sometimes you want to pick up a few friendly and helpful phrases to help you get around that are linked to everyday life in East Africa.
5Introduction to Swahili Quiz
This quiz will assess how much you picked up from the 1st five lessons on introduction. Please don't put too much pressure on yourself.
Learning is not about getting everything right but also about understanding why we get things wrong and how to improve to get them right next time.
6Swahili numbers 1-19
Swahili numbers are vital in ensuring we can count and deal with money in East Africa. This lesson will teach the core numbers 1-19 in Swahili. You will learn tricks and methodology of remembering them and see the fascinating ways of building the numbers 11-19 from 1-10.
7Advanced Swahili numbers 20-1000
Now that you have gained confidence with the simple numbers. We will now look at more advanced numbers, i.e. 20 - 1000. You will enjoy seeing their similarities to Arabic numerals, including deriving from the 1st ten numbers.
We will explore how numbers are linked to money and structure sentences and simple phrases to number objects and people.
8Swahili numbers Quiz
This quiz will test your understanding of Swahili numbers and counting in Swahili. Once you grasp the numbers 1-9, you can master the rest of the numbers. This quiz will also test how you number/count objects and people in Swahili
9Swahili greetings
Congratulations! You made it this far. In this lesson, you will explore different Swahili greetings, both informal and formal ones. You will also learn how to respond to greetings using the correct responses and, in return, greet others using a range of Swahili greetings available.
10Practice Swahili Greetings
Now that you know a wide range of Swahili greetings, this lecture will help you to practice them and check your understanding and response times. You will build your confidence in using a wide range of greetings and use them correctly
11Exchange of Swahili news
Now that you are confident using greetings, let's try and find out how the other person is doing. This lesson will provide you with a range of exchange of news phrases such as"How is work,? How is the family? "etc. By the end of this lesson, you will be confident using a wide range of phrases used to exchange news in Swahili, probe for more news, and respond quickly and articulately.
12Simple Swahili phrases
Every language has basic phrases essential to get you going. Swahili is not different, and in this lesson, we shall be looking at core phrases to get you started. Enjoy learning these simple basic phrases, and you will see your language level rise very quickly. This lesson will challenge you with a translation dialogue from English to Swahili and from Swahili to English to allow you to bring your already learnt skills to practice
13Self introduction in Swahili
Being able to introduce yourself in Swahili and say a few things about yourself, like where you come from, where you live, and likes and dislikes that are essential in Swahili. In this lesson, you will learn basic self-introduction and other vital phrases around self-introduction in Swahili. This is coupled with a few dialogues to bring the language learning outcomes together.
14Swahili greetings and self introduction phrases
This quiz will test your understanding of Swahili greetings, exchange of news and simple Swahili phrases and self-introduction in Swahili. Enjoy practising and do not put too much pressure on yourself. You will get it! :)
15Swahili verbs
In this lesson, you will learn Swahili verbs and the rules that apply to Swahili verbs. You will learn different types/ categories of Swahili verbs, including monosyllabic and disyllabic.
This lesson will provide the foundation for the next set of classes, particularly constructing Swahili sentences. Sit back, relax and enjoy as your journey towards learning Swahili begins. I hope you enjoy it. Leave us a comment on your take regarding this lesson.
16Practice 25 Common Swahili verbs
This lesson allows you to learn as many verbs as possible. We have provided 25 common verbs in Swahili across different topics that will give you the best start. Enjoy watching the video.
17Swahili verbs Quiz
This quiz will test your grasp of verbs in General in Swahili and how the rules that govern them. You can showcase how many verbs you have picked up to by now.
18Introduction to Swahili sentences
Constructing sentences in any given is a fundamental part of language learning. In this block of lessons, you will learn how to construct interesting and accurate sentences following set rules making you an expert within no time. This lesson mainly introduces the three vital essential parts of constructing sentences i.e.
Subject prefixes
19The present tense - Sentences construction
In this lesson, you will learn how to create sense-making sentences using the PRESENT TENSE [-NA-]. You will be able to experiment with the -NA- tense to construct sentences with different subject prefixes with the present tense. This is the most common tense to construct Swahili sentences, so ensure you understand properly.
let us know if you are experiencing problems; we will gladly help.
20The Present Perfect tense (HAS/HAVE)- Sentence construction
The present perfect tense (-ME-) is the second tense you will be working with. This is the English equivalent of the words/tenses ("HAS/HAVE"). At the start, it may feel strange working with it, but we recommend doing lots of practice and ensuring that you score highly on the quizzes to help you understand it properly
21The Past tense- Sentences construction
In this lesson, you will learn the Past tense (long time). This lesson will clarify how to use the Past tense and help you navigate easily through constructing sentences in the past.
In Swahili, the past tense is formed by adding the tense "-LI-" between the subject prefix and the verb. For example, the sentence "I ate" in the past tense becomes "NILIKULA".
22The future tense - Sentence construction
The future tense (-TA-) is the final tense for this block. This tense showcases that the action "will" occur in the future. You will have the opportunity to showcase your future sentences using the -TA- tense. Enjoy learning and do lots of practice in your own free time.
23Summary - Sentence construction
Well done, you have done it!
In this lesson, you will be able to summarise all the tenses, subject prefixes, verbs and nouns together. This lesson is tailored to give you a challenge but also give you confidence that everything you have been learning has been useful. Enjoy the lesson!
24Swahili sentences Quiz
This quiz will test your understanding of the essentials for constructing sense-making simple Swahili sentences and the structure for constructing Swahili sentences.