Course: Beginner English Level 1


Beginner English Level 1

Text lesson

Unit 1.1: Greetings and Introductions

Introduction 🌟

Greetings are the first step in communication and are essential for building relationships. They vary depending on the time of day, formality, and cultural context. Let’s explore different types of greetings, their usage, and examples with fun visuals! πŸŽ‰

Structure Β πŸ› οΈ

  1. Definition πŸ“–
    Greetings are words or phrases used to acknowledge someone when you meet or start a conversation.

  2. Types of GreetingsΒ πŸ•’

    • Formal Greetings

    • Informal Greetings

    • Time-Specific Greetings

  3. Examples and UsageΒ πŸ“
    Learn how to use greetings in different situations.

1. Types of Greetings

Formal Greetings

Used in professional or respectful settings.

“Good morning.”🌞
“Good afternoon.”β˜€οΈ
“Good evening.”πŸŒ™
“How do you do?”🀝

Informal Greetings

Used with friends, family, or in casual settings.

“What’s up?”πŸ€™
“How’s it going?”πŸ‘

Time-Specific Greetings

Used based on the time of day.

GreetingTime of DayΒ 
“Good morning.”Morning (until 12 PM)🌞
“Good afternoon.”Afternoon (12 PM – 6 PM)β˜€οΈ
“Good evening.”Evening (after 6 PM)πŸŒ™
“Good night.”Before bed🌜

2. Examples and Usage

Formal Greetings in Sentences

  • Good morning, Mr. Smith. How are you today?” 🌞

  • Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to the meeting.” β˜€οΈ

  • Good evening, sir. May I help you?” πŸŒ™

  • Hello, Dr. Johnson. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” πŸ‘‹

Informal Greetings in Sentences

  • Hi, Sarah! How have you been?” πŸ‘‹

  • Hey, John! What’s up?” πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ

  • What’s up, guys? Ready for the game?” πŸ€™

  • How’s it going, Mike? Long time no see!” πŸ‘

Time-Specific Greetings in Sentences

  • Good morning, Mom! Did you sleep well?” 🌞

  • Good afternoon, class. Let’s start the lesson.” β˜€οΈ

  • Good evening, everyone. Dinner is ready!” πŸŒ™

  • Good night, Dad. Sweet dreams!” 🌜

3. Cultural Greetings 🌍

Different cultures have unique ways of greeting. Here are a few examples:

  • Japan: A bow (πŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈ) is a common greeting.

  • India: “Namaste” (πŸ™) with folded hands.

  • France: A kiss on the cheek (😘) among friends.

  • New Zealand: The Māori greeting “Kia ora” (🌿).

4. Fun Facts About Greetings

  • Handshake: A common formal greeting worldwide, symbolizing trust and respect. 🀝

  • Wave: A universal informal greeting, often used from a distance. πŸ‘‹

  • Smile: A simple yet powerful greeting that transcends language barriers. 😊

Visual SummaryΒ πŸ–ΌοΈ

Type of GreetingKey ExamplesEmoji Representation
FormalGood morning, Hello🌞, πŸ‘‹
InformalHi, Hey, What’s upπŸ‘‹, πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ, πŸ€™
Time-SpecificGood night🌜

Practice ExercisesΒ πŸ“

  1. Role-Playing: Practice greeting a friend and a teacher using appropriate greetings.

  2. Fill in the Blanks: Complete the sentences with the correct greeting.

    • “___! How are you today?” (Answer: Hi/Hello)

    • “___! Did you sleep well?” (Answer: Good morning)

  3. Real-Life Application: Greet three people today using different types of greetings.

ConclusionΒ πŸŽ“

Greetings are the foundation of communication and help us connect with others. Whether formal or informal, they set the tone for any interaction. Keep practicing, and soon you’ll master the art of greeting!Β 

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