Who initiates the phone call?
A. Anna
B. Alex
C. Sarah
D. None of the above
Who says, “Hold on a minute, and I’ll get Sarah”?
A. Alex
B. Sarah
C. Anna
D. The caller ID
What invitation does Alex extend to Sarah?
A. “Want to have dinner Friday night?”
B. “Want to go to the movies Friday night?”
C. “Want to go shopping Friday night?”
D. “Want to go for a walk Friday night?”
How does Sarah respond to the Friday invitation?
A. She agrees immediately.
B. She says she’s busy with friends.
C. She apologizes and says she can’t make it.
D. She doesn’t respond at all.
What arrangement do Alex and Sarah make for Saturday?
A. Alex will pick her up at 6 o’clock.
B. They agree to meet at the movies at 7 o’clock.
C. Alex will pick her up at 7 o’clock.
D. They decide to reschedule for Sunday.
(0:23) “Hi, ______.”
Answer: Sarah
(0:25) “It’s ______.”
Answer: Alex
(0:28) “This is ______.”
Answer: Anna
(0:40) “Want to go to the ______ Friday night?”
Answer: movies
(0:49) “Why don’t I pick you up at ______ o’clock?”
Answer: 7