Course: Beginner English Level 2


Beginner English Level 2

Module 2:Essential English Verbs: "To Be," "To Have," and the Present Tense

Text lesson

Unit1 .1: irregular Verbs

1. Introduction 

English verbs are usually divided into two types:
Regular Verbs – follow a simple rule (add -ed to make the past form).
Irregular Verbsdo NOT follow the regular rules. Instead, their past and past participle forms change differently.


  • Regular Verb: walk → walked → walked ✅
  • Irregular Verb: go → went → gone ❌

In this lesson, you will learn what irregular verbs are, see common examples, and practice using them in sentences.

2. What Are Irregular Verbs? (Definition) 🧐

Irregular verbs are verbs that do not follow a regular pattern when changing to the past tense (V2) and past participle (V3).

For example:

Base Form (V1)Past Simple (V2)Past Participle (V3)

Since there are no fixed rules for irregular verbs, you need to memorize them! 🧠✨

3. Common Irregular Verbs (List) 📝

Here is a table of some common irregular verbs:

Base Form (V1)Past Simple (V2)Past Participle (V3)Example Sentence
BeWas / WereBeenShe was at school yesterday.
BeginBeganBegunThey began the project last week.
BreakBrokeBrokenHe has broken his phone again!
DrinkDrankDrunkI drank coffee this morning.
DriveDroveDrivenShe has never driven a sports car.
ForgetForgotForgottenI forgot my homework!
GiveGaveGivenShe has given me a book.
TakeTookTakenWe took the train to London.
SpeakSpokeSpokenShe spoke to her friend yesterday.
WriteWroteWrittenHe has written a letter.

4. Sentence Structure with Irregular Verbs 📖

A. Simple Past Tense (V2) – Actions That Happened in the Past ⏳

Subject + Irregular Verb (V2) + Object.

I ate lunch at 1 PM.
She went to the market.
They bought a new car.

B. Present Perfect Tense (V3) – Actions That Happened in the Past (With a Result Now) ⏳➡️⏳

Subject + have/has + Irregular Verb (V3) + Object.

I have eaten already.
She has gone to the store.
We have written a report.

5. Practice Activities 📝

A. Fill in the Blanks (Use the correct verb form) ✍️

1️⃣ Yesterday, I ____ (go) to the cinema.
2️⃣ She has ____ (see) this movie before.
3️⃣ They ____ (buy) a new laptop last week.
4️⃣ We have ____ (write) a letter to our friend.
5️⃣ He ____ (drink) too much coffee today!

B. Match the Correct Verb Forms 🔄

Match the base form (V1) with its correct past (V2) and past participle (V3).

V1 (Base Form)V2 (Past Simple)V3 (Past Participle)

C. Irregular Verbs Speaking Challenge 

  • Take five irregular verbs from the list.
  • Use them in a sentence in the past tense and a sentence in present perfect tense.
  • Example:
    • Verb: “Eat”
    • Yesterday, I ate pizza. (Past simple)
    • I have eaten sushi before. (Present perfect)

6. Homework 📚

1️⃣ Write 10 sentences using irregular verbs (5 in simple past, 5 in present perfect).
2️⃣ Memorize at least 15 irregular verbs from the list.
3️⃣ Create a short story using at least 5 irregular verbs.


7. Conclusion 🎯

Irregular verbs are an essential part of the English language because they are used in everyday conversations and writing. Unlike regular verbs, they do not follow a specific pattern, so the best way to learn them is through practice and memorization.

Key Takeaways: ✅

✔️ Irregular verbs have different past tense (V2) and past participle (V3) forms.
✔️ You need to memorize their changes, as there are no fixed rules.
✔️ They are commonly used in past simple and present perfect sentences.
✔️ Regular practice with writing, speaking, and exercises will help you master them!

Next Steps 📚💡

➡️ Review the irregular verb list regularly.
➡️ Practice by writing sentences and using the verbs in conversation.
➡️ Test yourself with quizzes and games to make learning fun! 🎮🎲

By continuing to learn and practice, you will become more confident in using irregular verbs correctly. Keep going, and soon it will feel natural! 

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